Monday, April 15, 2013

Local Grade-Schooler Announces Plan to Draw a Horse

Kaitlyn, a second-grader at Montgomery Elementary School, has announced that she will draw a horse during this morning's Art and Creativity period.  The announcement was made near the bulletin board, to a small gathering of students and supporters.

"I usually draw a flower or a cat," Kaitlyn explained. "But I thought it was time to step up my game and really try to draw that horse."

Kaitlyn joins an already-crowded field of horse drawers that includes Madison, Megan, Emily, and that weird kid who sits in front of Madison.  Madison and Megan announced their plan to draw horses at a joint press conference held on the playground during yesterday's recess. That weird kid who sits in front of Madison did not formally announce his intention to draw a horse, but a source noted that "He just draws whatever Madison draws." Emily has drawn a horse during every Art and Creativity period since kindergarten.

Immediately following Kaitlyn's announcement, she was accused of being a copy-cat by both Madison and Megan, while Emily leveled the same charge at Madison and Megan.

"Emily always draws a horse," Madison countered. "I'm not a copy-cat if she's drawing it every day."

"She can't just, like, say 'I've got Horse' and nobody else can draw it," Megan added. "And if she calls me a copy-cat again I'm gonna tell on her."

At press time Kaitlyn, Madison, Megan  and Emily were all drawing horses. That weird kid who sits in front of Madison had seen his efforts end in disaster when he produced a stick-figure monstrosity with impossibly long fingers at the end of each leg and a head that resembles a tadpole.